User means the person or representative of organization or organization who has purchased to use this application or app
Agreement means the user has read, understood and agrees to terms said here and thereof in future.
User understands that this software is solely developed by Srikanth Krishnamoorthy (the developer) 2022.
Development includes design and other functional or technical effort aspect or otherwise not mentioned here.
All rights reserved © 2022 to date to the owner or provider Srikanth Krishnamoorthy
This software app or software or application is aimed for builders and interior and exterior decorators to manage their data.
This software work seamlessly on web , tab and mobile platform with Microsoft Edge and Chrome browsers
User of this software agrees not to copy or duplicate or reverse engineer any of the software components and uses it for fair use or for the intention agreed upon
User of this software agrees not to use this software for testing purpose unless treated as trial given as consent from the developer, owner or provider
User of this software agrees not to intentionally or non intentionally directly or indirectly manual or by automation or through third party engage in mal practices that include but not limited to viz.,
- request flooding, hacking, phising, injecting, hijacking, attacking, halting, obfuscating, demeaning or disturbing the services (example, unauthorized uploads or downloads), or capability of the software that is being offered to user or other users
User of this software agrees not to share credential or password that can probably cause damage to their own data and liability or damage claim does not apply to the provider
User of this software agrees NOT to share credentials or login details to other potential customers of the provider.
User of this software agrees to honour commitments made as part of fair use
User understand that fair use stand for good intention to serve the buyer of this software without disruption to services by the user and work with the as-is delivered software.
User of this software agrees to have installed anti-malware-virus or security software and use from secure virus free malware free environment and limit number of systems or ip address from which software will be accessed and is most commonly used from their office or personal purpose computers or work devices.
User of this software agrees to automatic or manual monitoring or recording of access log details in form of cookies or other means that may help improvise or provide continued services.
User of this software agrees that there will be downtime at specific intervals for operational, maintenance or administrative purpose.
User of this software agrees to pay their dues at right time for continuous support or use.
File support such as transaction expense bills are provided. This feature is available with limited size for default plans. High use of this feature will call for backend infrastructure and space cost which will be charged separately. This amount may vary from time to time depending on market price
Use latest browser of Windows Edge browser or Google Chrome web browser
Do not share password or credentials
Take guidance as many times as possible before using the software
Inform us immediatedly if you suspect any suspected behavior
Enrol to group message to stay up to date for lates updates, feature announcement or any such information
24 x 7 software is available for use
Guidance to use the software will be given during onboarding
Special training can be provided at a minimum cost
As a part of standard maintenance or operating procedure minimal downtime can be expected at notified times
In case of emergencies, communication will be sent for short or long maintenance
Data backup will be available on demand
Privacy and confidentiality are utmost priority to us. We do our best to keep it up.
The user company or operation data will NOT be shared
We do not interfere in your data unless you want us to for security or backup or such reasons
Usage data within user office should be restricted e.g. close the software after use.
Usage data may be collected for performance or security improvement
For example, to avoid unwarranted request from stranger or automation IP address will be monitored.
8.Oct.2022 = Terms (this document) updated
Upcoming Feature Transaction reports - date and people wise
Bug Avoid single or double quotes while entering data. E.g type inches instead of " or ft instead of '
All plan payment should be timely honoured
For monthly payment their is no lead time
For quarterly plans, payment should be made within 3 days or earlier
For higher plans, payment should be made within 7 days or earlier
Payments can be by cash or net or upi or mobile based payment
Payments history are updated and is available within the app itself for reference
Please request or check with provider for payment details
Non payment or irregular payment despite request will initiate suspension of accounts with or without prior notice
Please select the plans give above in pricing table
Any queries or feedback available at Contact link